+1 (410) 746-5459




Founded in 2007 by HRH The Prince of Wales and a group of visionary British Asian business leaders who back sustainable solutions that enable people to unlock their potential, BAT is a partner of Hunar Foundation since July 2015. BAT has delivered and committed support of 100,000 pounds since July 2015 extending their services after Hunar Foundation passed their rigorous due diligence and successfully completed their requirements in the first year of capacity building, monitoring & evaluation and market scan



Providing services worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development, GIZ assists the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employm- ent and, in Pakistan is working with the European Union and Government of Norway with organisations like Hunar Foundation. Their relationship with Hunar has been in existence since 2014 and they have launched their Cooperative Vocational Training program in this country with Hunar being one of their prominent beneficiaries. GIZ has helped Hunar Foundation build the curriculum and lesson planning for this program and in the Mechanical Manufacturing (CBT) with CNC Technology course they have even financed a CNC machine worth close to 45,000 pound sterling. GIZ has also financed and trained in Germany the instructors of Hunar Foundation’s institutes.



Shell, through its Shell Tameer program encourages a diverse business environment by developing entrepreneurial skills in young people aged 18-32. The programme offers a number of options, including Conceptual development of business ideas, Training to help with enterprise skills and starting a business, Networking with expert organisations, the opportunity to develop links for securing business, Start up finance, Shell Tameer Awards scheme to recognise business success and to inspire others, Follow-up support to help entrepreneurs sustain their businesses. Shell Tameer conducts a series of workshops at Hunar Foundation’s Institutes every year. The motive of these training sessions was to educate the trainees, polish their skills and guide them to start small startups. The trainees received certificates of participation from Shell and financial packages of Rs. 20,000 to each student who successfully participated in this program in form of a tool kit that is bought by Hunar Foundation and gifted to the students.



Australian Aid is the Australian Government agency responsible for managing Australia's overseas aid program. One of the sectors where AusAid is active in Pakistan is Education where it helped Hunar Foundation set up its first technical institute. It did so by advising on start-up curriculum, workshop planning and establishment of procedures. Four of Hunar’s instructors visited Australia for six weeks and returned to set up Hunar’s first technical institute.



USAID is the lead U.S. Government agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential. USAID has funded Hunar Foundation by sponsoring over 50 students in one year.



The National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) is a major Pakistani commercial bank with headquarters in Karachi. Although state owned it operates as commercial bank, while still continuing to act as trustee of public funds and as the agent to the State Bank of Pakistan in places where SBP does not have a presence. Hunar Foundation has signed an MoU with National Bank. Through this collaboration, Hunar’s trained alumni will have the opportunity to acquire business loans for establishing or extending business enterprises, thereby securing their and their families’ future by becoming bread earners for life. Simultaneously, this collaboration fortifies NBP’s commitment to encourage financial emancipation of un-employed youth in Pakistan thereby contributing towards a sustainable economic growth of the country.



The United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan was established in 1950 by the governments of Pakistan and the United States. USEFP is guided by a binational commission composed of an equal number of Pakistanis and Americans, with the Chair alternating each year between a Pakistani and an American. USEFP is one of 50 "Fulbright Commissions" located throughout the world. Since 2015 three executives and instructors have availed of a six week scholarship program in the US through this program. These programs are designed to enhance teachers' expertise in their teaching discipline and equip them with a deeper understanding of best practices in teach- ing methodologies, lesson planning, and the use of technology in teaching.



SSGC is Pakistan’s leading integrated gas company and has been at the forefront of social causes, being one of the most active and visible organizations doing CSR work. SSGC is an active cause partner of Hunar Foundation since 2014. During the past two years SSGC has sponsored students who were extensively trained in various trades and have become economically engaged due to the opportunity. SSGCL has supported an even bigger number of students every passing year and overall over 50 students in Hunar have benefitted from their generosity.



As a major supplier of natural gas, Pakistan Petroleum Limited today contributes over 20 percent of the country’s total natural gas supplies besides producing crude oil, Natural Gas Liquid and Liquefied Petroleum Gas. They are worthy recipient of Pakistan Corporate Philanthropy Award for 11 consecutive years from 2004 to 2014 and have played a role in furthering the cause of many NGOs. PPL has regularly sponsored students from the community where they have operations and their total sponsored student’s number over 65 to date along with boarding and lodging and even monthly stipends.



OGDCL is the national oil & gas company of Pakistan and the flagship of the country’s E&P sector. The Company is the local market leader in terms of reserves, production and acreage. Since its inception, OGDCL has always given top priority to the development of communities residing in and around the Company’s area of operations. Their objective remains to promote an enabling environment between local communities and OGDCL that fulfill its obligations in the areas of Education, Health, Infrastructure, Sports and Sanitation. OGDCL has sponsored 69 students in Hunar Foundation in its very first year along with boarding and lodging and even monthly stipends.



China Pakistan Hub Generation Company is a project of CPEC. The company feels responsible towards the communities. The company has a strong and robust CSR programme, under which it consistently works to uplift communities that are influenced directly or indirectly by their business, thus improving the living standards of the local community through capacity building and competency enhancement vocational trainings. CPHGC has sponsored 30 students from Lasbela district funding their tuition, boarding & lodging in Hunar as part of its commitment to enhancing the employable skills of the community it operates in.



NOWPDP was founded in May 2008 to promote the creation of an inclusive society that values and upholds the rights of persons with disabilities. It aims to provide a common platform for all disability organizations in Pakistan to come together and bring about an impactful change. NOWPDP is also accredited by the United Nations to the Conference of State Parties to the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Hunar Foundation has been the pioneer partner of NOWPDP in inducting students with special abilities sponsored by them into a vocational and educational field.



Since inception HUBCO has strongly believed in the integration of corporate social responsibility into its business, focusing on education, healthcare, environment and the welfare of the less privileged in society. The CSR programme of HUBCO is enacted in partnership with qualified, well-respected and reputable Not-For-Profits from which it has chosen Hunar as a beneficiary of its support over the last three years, sponsoring students living near Hub and Lasbela, Balochistan. Over 20 students have so far benefitted from their partnership with Hunar Foundation covering their tuition along with boarding & lodging.